National Hispanic Latino Association of the Deaf

The mission for National Hispanic Latino Association of the Deaf NHLAD is to build an alliance between Deaf Latino and the Hispanic community through the preservation of the language culture customs. We recognize the importance of gaining empowerment through the promotion of leadership and education in the Hispanic and Latino community. It focuses on establishing partnerships engaging the community serving as a resource and assisting youth

These initiatives include community-building social events and workshops on leadership Latin American history and culture as well as the Deaf Hispanic Latino Spotlight which celebrates the achievements of individuals within the community. The Sign to Se as Project helps hearing families learn basic signs with plans to expand to include Latin American sign languages. We also offer a youth program to support the development of skills leadership identity and involvement in activities that expand their future prospects NHLAD outreach extends both nationally.

HandHive Academy

We support Deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families by creating innovative ASL-based resources. Our mission is to bridge communication gaps for Deaf and hard of hearing children to strengthen connection and help them thrive.

Our main initiatives are to:
1) Develop a learning app for children completely in ASL that supplements learning for math, science, history, language arts, and social/emotional health.

2) Develop a parent-centric ASL learning app to establish fluency in ASL.

3) Establish an online resource center that will answer all of parents questions with data-driven information.

We envision a world transformed by HandHive Academy where Deaf individuals are valued and included, fostering a society rich in awareness and respect for all. A world where the unique contributions of the Deaf community are celebrated and integrated into the fabric of everyday life.

Deaf Worlds, Inc.

Deaf Worlds (DDW) is a Deaf-led global community dedicated to empowering signing Deaf communities worldwide with resources for true liberation.

Maryland Deaf Community Center (MDCC)

A state-wide community center dedicated to the Maryland Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities will allow us to do many things. They include the following areas: Activities in ASL, Services in ASL, Employment Opportunities, Bridging Communities, Cultural Arts, and for ALL in Maryland counties to use. It is heavily run by volunteers and supported by a few paying positions (project coordinator, ASL coordinator, special event planner, business manager).

Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center

Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center provides communication access, resources, education, and services to the communities of East Texas. Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center was set up in 2012 when a group of Deaf, HoH, interpreters and allies met to discuss having a place where the community could meet, conduct activities and meet other peers, also to provide services. We have programs, for example: Senior Citizens, Literacy, and Mentoring. We host workshops occasionally to educate the Deaf/HoH/DB community on various topics.

Deaf Community of Riverside

To encourage a great collaboration between Deaf Community of Riverside, the City of Riverside- Commission of the Deaf and other Deaf organizations around the city in Riverside and its neighbors.

Charles Thompson Memorial Hall

Charles Thompson Memorial Hall is located in St. Paul, Minnesota and has been the heartbeat and principal social hub for Deaf people throughout Minnesota for over 100 years. Designed by a deaf architect, Dr Olaf Hanson, and opened in 1916, it is considered one of the oldest Deaf Clubs in the world.

Thompson Hall is proudly owned by the Deaf community and managed by dedicated Deaf volunteers.

The original mission of this 501(c)3 non-profit organization was to establish a building for the entertainment and education of deaf people in Minnesota. The mission includes preserving the language and culture of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind.

Thompson Hall is on the National Register of Historic Places. The organization and building continues to be used as a community center for the local deaf community. Programs are funded through charitable grants, individual donations and fundraising events.

Our Deaf Survivors Center (ODSC)

ODSC, Inc. serves individuals impacted by domestic and sexual violence in Deaf communities by providing culturally sustaining resources and services. ODSC, Inc. aims to create a compassionate community that centers individual self-determination of every person who has been or is being affected by domestic and sexual violence.

Our Core Values:
Collaboration: Collaboration through networking and resources: developing connections with agencies and programs of shared values.

Cultural identity: Cultural identity affirming self-agency: acknowledging and embracing individuals’ identities as central to who they are.

Community-led Compassionate Care: Using community resources to compassionately affirm the experiences of impacted individuals.