Hearing Loss Legal Fund

The Hearing Loss Legal Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit civil rights organization engaged in promoting and defending the rights of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States. It also provides legal education to the deaf and hard of hearing community regarding the judicial system, the criminal justice system, and their rights under federal and state antidiscrimination laws.


DeafCAN! is the human service program/s under Christ the King Deaf Church. Although within a church organizations, all of DeafCAN!'s services are fully inclusive and do not discriminate in any way. DeafCAN!'s services include:
Case Management in two SE PA Counties
Support for Deaf refugees/immigrants/asylees
Support for Deaf prisoners and returning citizens
SSP Services for DeafBlind in SE PA
Education - ASL classes and community workshops on Deaf Awareness

DeafCAN! is now in it's 15th year and serves an average of 200 unduplicated individuals each year.


HEARD is a cross-disability abolitionist organization that unites across identities, communities, movements, and borders to end ableism, racism, capitalism, and all other forms of oppression and violence. HEARD supports disabled people and others who experience ableism by rejecting disability hierarchies and rigid definitions of disability, and by recognizing deaf people as part of disability communities. HEARD works to increase our collective capacity to identify, understand, and challenge oppression through grassroots advocacy, community organizing, peer support, mutual aid, education, and research.