Signs of Fun

Signs of Fun originated as a summer camp in the Fredericksburg, VA area to provide a supportive and engaging environment for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafDisabled children who had limited summer camp opportunities. Recognizing the broader needs of families, we expanded into an online resource center and advocacy group, specializing in supporting military families navigating the challenges of frequent relocations. Additionally, we launched a Deaf-led ASL Parent Program during camp week, equipping parents with sign language skills and fostering active participation in Deaf Advocacy Day (DAD). More information about our camp can be found here: .

The program we run for parents and professionals to give a better understanding of language deprivation and the need for language acquisition can be found here: It serves as an online resource for educational purposes.

As our director’s spouse's military service brought us to Hawai‘i, we proudly expanded our reach to serve families on both the East and West Coasts of the United States.

Hands United

Hands United’s mission is to help decrease the prevalence of language deprivation among Deaf and hard-of-hearing children in immigrant families. We recognize that language and cultural barriers represent a large portion of the reason that immigrant families are unable to communicate with their Deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

To that end, we wish to empower immigrant families with Deaf and hard-of-hearing children by providing comprehensive support through American Sign Language classes in their native language, offering enrichment classes such as how to transition from high school to college and how to use technology, and facilitating access to resources. We strive to foster lifelong inclusivity within the Deaf community by promoting the expansion of sign language proficiency among diverse populations to support increased independence and self determination for diverse Deaf populations.

Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind

The Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (ASDB) is an Arizona state agency, with its administrative headquarters in Tucson.[1] It operates three schools for the deaf and blind, and five regional cooperatives throughout the state:
Phoenix Day School for the Deaf-Phoenix Campus (PDSD)
Arizona School for the Deaf-Tucson Campus (ASD)
Arizona School for the Blind-Tucson Campus (ASB)
Regional Cooperatives: These regional cooperatives are voluntary partnerships between public education agencies (school districts and charter schools) throughout the state and ASDB. The Cooperative staff serve students and families in five regions: North Central, Eastern Highlands, Desert Valleys, Southwest and Southeast. School staff and the Cooperative staff work together in local schools to promote success for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired.

Mill Neck Foundation, Inc.

The Mill Neck Foundation for the Deaf is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources and funding opportunities to support the programs and services of its affiliates - Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf, Mill Neck Services for the Deaf, and Lutheran Friends of the Deaf (collectively, the Mill Neck Family of Organizations). Together, we are committed to serving the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community through every stage of life, from infancy, to K-12 education, to employment, to eldercare, and everything in between.

Our mission is to create a world in which Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals are included, empowered, celebrated, and embraced as equals through equitable education practices, sign language, supported employment, and accessible habilitation programs and services.

HandHive Academy

We support Deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families by creating innovative ASL-based resources. Our mission is to bridge communication gaps for Deaf and hard of hearing children to strengthen connection and help them thrive.

Our main initiatives are to:
1) Develop a learning app for children completely in ASL that supplements learning for math, science, history, language arts, and social/emotional health.

2) Develop a parent-centric ASL learning app to establish fluency in ASL.

3) Establish an online resource center that will answer all of parents questions with data-driven information.

We envision a world transformed by HandHive Academy where Deaf individuals are valued and included, fostering a society rich in awareness and respect for all. A world where the unique contributions of the Deaf community are celebrated and integrated into the fabric of everyday life.

Global Deaf Research Institute

The Global Deaf Research Institute is a research organization led by deaf scientists, founded in response to a widespread lack of data on deaf populations. We believe that publishing data documenting deaf peoples’ lived experiences is a powerful way to improve their quality of life. GDRI’s flagship, the Deaf Community Research initiative, is a community-led research and advocacy project. In each deployment, we engage profoundly with the local deaf community and, with their guidance, perform a national needs assessment survey. We synthesize our findings to identify significant gaps in services and develop evidence-based recommendations tailored to the community's needs. We create training modules for local educators and deaf leaders emphasizing inclusive teaching practices and data-based advocacy, and build collective power for the deaf community not only by arming them with research, but by creating a network of deaf researchers and advocates that grows with each country we visit.

Jewish Deaf Congress

JDC functions as an inclusive and accessible Jewish Deaf national organization, network and resource center, rooted in Judaism and Deaf experiences, cultures and values of lifelong Jewish learning to discover, connect and flourish.

National Center on Deaf Advocacy

Our mission is to advocate for the self-autonomy of deaf people at the local, state and national levels

* To support language acquisition and development for deaf children and their families;

​ * To eradicate audism and promote signed language equity;

​ * To ensure that deaf people are included in decision making processes concerning their lives; and

​ * To collaborate with organizations and individuals to support the advancement of deaf people

Turtle Island Hand Talk

We are a North American Indigenous group who works collaboratively to provide services and advocacy for Indigenous Deaf and DeafBlind people.

Our goals are to exchange our tribal cultures and our Indigenous Deaf and DeafBlind Cultures. Our group functions by consensus agreement and aims to provide an international understanding of our communal needs.

Our primary purpose: enrolled/status tribal members working together to develop educational materials, references, and academic accreditation through our Indigenous lenses. Through invitation, we will welcome non-indigenous people to join our group, to work closely with our Indigenous people as helper-solidarity.

Gestures of Love Community Enrichment Corp.

Our Mission is to promote a healthier relationship and connection between the Deaf and hearing community by overcoming communication barriers through education and teaching the beautify language of sign.