Orange County Deaf Equal Access Foundation

The mission of the Orange County Deaf Equal Access Foundation (OC DEAF) is to ensure equal access of the deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind and deaf disabled community to the same opportunities afforded their hearing counterparts. The organization’s general purposes and powers are directed around the promotion of the social, recreational, cultural, educational, and vocational welfare of its deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind and deaf disabled constituents.

OC DEAF’s specific and primary purpose is to act as a coordinating agency that addresses the broad social service needs of deaf, hard of hearing deafblind and deaf disabled people through direct service provision, advocacy, research and dissemination of information regarding deafness to parents, professionals and consumers.

Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind

The Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (ASDB) is an Arizona state agency, with its administrative headquarters in Tucson.[1] It operates three schools for the deaf and blind, and five regional cooperatives throughout the state:
Phoenix Day School for the Deaf-Phoenix Campus (PDSD)
Arizona School for the Deaf-Tucson Campus (ASD)
Arizona School for the Blind-Tucson Campus (ASB)
Regional Cooperatives: These regional cooperatives are voluntary partnerships between public education agencies (school districts and charter schools) throughout the state and ASDB. The Cooperative staff serve students and families in five regions: North Central, Eastern Highlands, Desert Valleys, Southwest and Southeast. School staff and the Cooperative staff work together in local schools to promote success for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired.

Zankza Project

The Zanzka Project is dedicated to supporting Deaf artists and creatives across all disciplines by creating opportunities to showcase their work, engage with the community, collaborate with other artists and creatives, and providing educational opportunities to elevate their works.

Association for the Advancement of Deaf/Hard of Hearing (AADHH)

Provide educational and occupational resources and support to Deaf youth and young adults within Detroit/ Wayne county.

Deaf Community Services

Deaf Community Services (DCS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has ben making a difference in the San Diego Deaf community for over 50 years. Our purpose is to empower the Deaf community who are struggling with communication access by developing programs and services, such as advocacy, recovery programs, and ASL interpreting—to name a few, that will foster productive lives with equal access to the rights, privileges and opportunities that are available to the mainstream public.

Cicada Sign

- Cicada Sign offers online ASL courses, digital career training, and eLearning resources for Deaf individuals, alongside creating an inclusive digital environment for employers and businesses seeking to work with Deaf talent. Our platform will soon offer a comprehensive course section for instructors and students.

- Our Mission:
'Cicada Sign provides accessible American Sign Language (ASL) education and digital career courses tailored for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities, aiming to empower Deaf individuals through skill-building and professional development.'

- We are expanding our outreach to attract instructors for Deaf education and digital skills training. Additionally, we are working on partnerships to create more inclusive resources for Deaf freelancers and employees.

Deaf Community Resource Center

Deaf Community Resource Center (DCRC) serves the needs of the Deaf Community through all phases of life, birth through end of life, by providing culturally and linguistically appropriate advocacy, day-to-day support, and education for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing individuals to promote self-determination and independence.

Deaf Services Center, Inc.

In 1980, the state of Ohio established Community Centers for the Deaf CCD with funding provided by the Rehabilitation Services Commission RSC. The purpose was to provide advocacy for Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to coordinate Deaf community events and to become a central location for providing information on Deafness. With a large Deaf population in central Ohio due to the Columbus location of the Ohio School for the Deaf, there was strong demand for services DSC began operations as Deaf Services Center in 1991 to expand on programs provided as a CCD Under the guidance of dedicated staff and Board of Trustees Ever since DSC established a strong foundation becoming the leading provider of community-based services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in the state of Ohio.

Center On Deafness Inland Empire

Center On Deafness Inland Empire is a non-profit community based service agency. The mission of the CODIE is to ensure equal access of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community to the same opportunities afforded their hearing counterparts. The organization’s general purposes and powers are directed around the promotion of the social, recreational, cultural, educational, and vocational welfare of its Deaf and Hard of Hearing constituents.

CODIE’s specific and primary purpose is to act as a coordinating agency that addresses the board social service needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people through direct service provision, advocacy, research and dissemination of information regarding deafness to parents, professionals and consumers.

DePaul WorkGuide

WorkGuide offers a wide range of services to assist individuals (ages 14 and older) in obtaining long-term employment in their chosen field. Programs are offered in English, ASL and Spanish to Monroe County residents who qualify for Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR).