Ethiopian Deaf Community in USA
The Ethiopian Deaf Community in USA is a nonprofit organization established in 2017 to support and empower Ethiopian deaf individuals residing in the United States EDCUSA is dedicated to promoting inclusivity accessibility and equal opportunities for members of the Ethiopian deaf community With more than 70 active members the organization serves as a hub for advocacy education and community development Mission EDCUSA s mission is to bridge the gap in communication foster unity and provide vital resources to Ethiopian deaf individuals By addressing the unique challenges faced by this community EDCUSA aims to enhance their quality of life and ensure they have equal access to education employment and social services Vision EDCUSA envisions a society where Ethiopian deaf individuals are empowered valued and included in every aspect of community life The organization strives to create a world where linguistic and cultural barriers are eliminated and individuals can thrive access to
Hands United’s mission is to help decrease the prevalence of language deprivation among Deaf and hard-of-hearing children in immigrant families. We recognize that language and cultural barriers represent a large portion of the reason that immigrant families are unable to communicate with their Deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
To that end, we wish to empower immigrant families with Deaf and hard-of-hearing children by providing comprehensive support through American Sign Language classes in their native language, offering enrichment classes such as how to transition from high school to college and how to use technology, and facilitating access to resources. We strive to foster lifelong inclusivity within the Deaf community by promoting the expansion of sign language proficiency among diverse populations to support increased independence and self determination for diverse Deaf populations.
Deaf New American Advocacy Inc
Our mission is to provide a safe space for Deaf New Americans to develop education, leadership and life skills without limitation in a way honors their culture and traditions. We work to accommodate the needs of this community in which they can create their own barrier free future.
US Based Deaf Action Foundation
The U.S. Based Deaf Action Foundation, established in 2019, welcomes people from all backgrounds to join us in challenging and transforming systems in America. We educate, advocate, conduct research, and empower to advance the rights, services, and equal opportunities for Deaf Black communities, immigrants, and refugees. We envision a world free from discrimination, where barriers are dismantled, inclusivity is embraced, and voices are amplified through American Sign Language.
Our mission is to empower Deaf individuals to enjoy equal rights and opportunities in society, fostering a community that supports others, drives positive change, and embraces diversity.
We also aim to increase the number of BIPOC ASL interpreters to ensure that the Deaf community receives adequate services. By providing orientation, resources, and support, we encourage BIPOC hearing families to build stronger relationships with their Deaf children through accessible communication and advocacy.
DeafCAN! is the human service program/s under Christ the King Deaf Church. Although within a church organizations, all of DeafCAN!'s services are fully inclusive and do not discriminate in any way. DeafCAN!'s services include:
Case Management in two SE PA Counties
Support for Deaf refugees/immigrants/asylees
Support for Deaf prisoners and returning citizens
SSP Services for DeafBlind in SE PA
Education - ASL classes and community workshops on Deaf Awareness
DeafCAN! is now in it's 15th year and serves an average of 200 unduplicated individuals each year.
Deaf Defy, Inc runs humanitarian aid missions, bringing sign language, Deaf education, audiology and hearing aids to Deaf children living in refugee camps and areas of conflict. As of 2024, we have worked with 998 patients across 5 countries in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region.
Off-The-Grid Missions (OTG) is the only Disaster Response organization dedicated to providing Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, DeafBlind, and DeafDisabled (DHHDBDD) people with critical life-saving resources in high-risk/disaster-stricken regions around the world.
Alarming humanitarian needs are rapidly escalating in scale and severity for DHHDBDD people caught in the crossfire. Furthermore, in the many corners of the world OTG serves, many DHHDBDD people have absolutely zero legal protections as they are considered sub-humans due to their disabilities, which greatly increase the chances of this population being subjected to incomprehensible violence. OTG operates throughout the United States, Caribbean, Middle East, in parts of Asia and Europe.
OTG has responded to over 50 disasters worldwide, and ranks in the top 0.1% of charities nationwide in terms of transparency.
Deaf Refugee Advocacy, Inc.
We recognize that deaf refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants, and those from US territories have unique needs that are best served and assisted by the members of the general Deaf community. Our mission is to
1) provide direct services (education and case management services),
2) promote advocacy and full language access for this population, and
3) provide outreach services (collaboration, consultation, and education) to existing community service organizations and agencies.
We aim to support them as they strive to be self‐sustaining neighbors while still retaining their own cultural heritage, identity, language, and religion. Furthermore, we wish to ensure their inclusion into our Deaf community and into general society.