National Hispanic Latino Association of the Deaf

The mission for National Hispanic Latino Association of the Deaf NHLAD is to build an alliance between Deaf Latino and the Hispanic community through the preservation of the language culture customs. We recognize the importance of gaining empowerment through the promotion of leadership and education in the Hispanic and Latino community. It focuses on establishing partnerships engaging the community serving as a resource and assisting youth

These initiatives include community-building social events and workshops on leadership Latin American history and culture as well as the Deaf Hispanic Latino Spotlight which celebrates the achievements of individuals within the community. The Sign to Se as Project helps hearing families learn basic signs with plans to expand to include Latin American sign languages. We also offer a youth program to support the development of skills leadership identity and involvement in activities that expand their future prospects NHLAD outreach extends both nationally.

Hands United

Hands United’s mission is to help decrease the prevalence of language deprivation among Deaf and hard-of-hearing children in immigrant families. We recognize that language and cultural barriers represent a large portion of the reason that immigrant families are unable to communicate with their Deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

To that end, we wish to empower immigrant families with Deaf and hard-of-hearing children by providing comprehensive support through American Sign Language classes in their native language, offering enrichment classes such as how to transition from high school to college and how to use technology, and facilitating access to resources. We strive to foster lifelong inclusivity within the Deaf community by promoting the expansion of sign language proficiency among diverse populations to support increased independence and self determination for diverse Deaf populations.

Hands United (Manos Unidas)

We work with immigrant populations with Deaf and hard of hearing children. We provide many services such as ASL classes in spoken Spanish, workshops on a variety of topics including IEPs, college transition and using drawing to communicate. We also help families connect to other services like DVR, health insurance, immigration lawyers, video phones and schools. All of our events and classes are free to families. We also offer services for translation with any combination of English, Spanish, and ASL.

Family Center on Deafness

In 1995 Deaf community leaders, Pinellas County school administrators, teachers, audiologists, and speech pathologists recognized that there was a severe lack of support and resources for Deaf and hard of hearing youth. They came together to establish after school support. As the youth grew so did the program. In 2003 Family Center on Deafness (FCD) was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Today FCD is recognized as a leader not only within Pinellas County, but also statewide and nationwide, as a model for providing services and programs to families with Deaf and hard of hearing children. FCD has set the standard for what programs need to be established to meet the responsibilities of a community that cares about its children, parents, and extended family members. FCD is committed to supporting Deaf and hard of hearing students and their families ensuring they lead successful, interactive, and meaningful lives.

The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges

The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges The Center was founded in 1957 Its mission is to provide opportunities for people with physical challenges to enhance the quality of their lives The Center's Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Department provides the several programs designed to provide accessibility and increase independence They act as an advocate to resolve issues of communication and remove barriers to resources.

Interpreter Services provides qualified interpreters statewide and match businesses, schools, courts, hospitals and other entities with certified interpreters. Deaf Services serves those who are culturally deaf by providing training and advocacy to meet both cultural and communication needs through individualized services group trainings and workshops One-on-one services include budget assistance assistance with written correspondence and forms medical guidance and advocacy and legal assistance. Group training covers a range of topics such as the voting process, enrollment in Medicaid, etc.

Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center

Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center provides communication access, resources, education, and services to the communities of East Texas. Tyler Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center was set up in 2012 when a group of Deaf, HoH, interpreters and allies met to discuss having a place where the community could meet, conduct activities and meet other peers, also to provide services. We have programs, for example: Senior Citizens, Literacy, and Mentoring. We host workshops occasionally to educate the Deaf/HoH/DB community on various topics.

Sally J. Pimentel Deaf & Hard of Hearing Center

The mission of the Sally J Pimentel Deaf Hard of Hearing Center DHHC is to empower Deaf and hard of hearing citizens of Southwest Florida and their families through education advocacy and community engagement Established in 1983 DHHC provides vital services to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals and their families in Lee Collier Charlotte Hendry and Glades counties Our offerings include interpreting services amplified telephone equipment American Sign Language classes Deaf mentoring support groups information and referral services employment assistance family education advocacy community outreach and support groups DHHC proudly operates as a 501(c)3 United Way partner agency with support from the Lee County Board of Commissioners City of Cape Coral United Way The Community Foundation Lee County Bar Association Foundation Rotary Club of Fort Myers Rotary Club of Cape Coral Cape Coral Kiwanis and other private donors. For more info:

Atomic Hands

Founded in 2018 by Dr. Alicia Wooten and Dr. Barbara Spiecker, Atomic Hands addresses the unique challenges deaf STEMists face, such as English-centric learning and inaccessible, auditory-centered science resources.

With multiple ASL resources available, including STEM videos, storybooks, dictionaries, and a Deaf STEMist Network, Atomic Hands aims to foster wonder and curiosity in STEM fields through ASL-centric resources. In addition to online resources and social media education, Atomic Hands offers custom and personalized services that include, but are not limited to, translation, training, consultation, workshops, and resource development.

Symbolized by its name, Atomic Hands integrates the fundamental principles of STEM with the expressive power of sign language, aiming to bridge these two worlds and promote an inclusive, dynamic exchange of STEM ideas. Learn more at

Deaf Access to Quality Life

As a social assistance organization, our mission is to enhance the quality of life of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) people by providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services, advocating for accessibility, and fostering empowerment.

Purpose: DAQL was established in 2019 to offer mental health support to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) individuals in Georgia.

Accessibility Challenges: DAQL recognizes challenges in accessing services that lead to legal action.

Staffing Shortage: The DHH community faces a shortage of staff trained in American Sign Language (ASL) and lacks specialized facilities.

Quality of Life Improvement: Aims to bridge gaps to enhance the quality of life for DHH individuals.

Collaborative Advocacy: Works with stakeholders to advocate for and provide necessary services.

Louisiana Association of the Deaf, Inc. dba Deaf Focus

Louisiana Association of the Deaf LAD is the oldest largest and premier nonprofit organization for the Deaf DeafBlind and hard of hearing DDBHH citizens in the state of Louisiana LAD was founded in 1908 by the alumni of the Louisiana School for the Deaf and is one of fifty 50 states affiliated with the National Association of the Deaf NAD LAD advocates the promotion of the educational economic and social well-being of DDBHH individuals in Louisiana.

In addition, LAD, doing business as Deaf Focus, provides a variety of services to the DDBHH community, including:

Interpreting Services
Expert Consulting
Law Enforcement & First Responders Training
Professional Development
Advocacy: Legislative, Education, Services, Employment, and Access
Educational Support
Health and Wellness Services
Social and Recreational Activities
ASL Classes
And more.