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2022 Social Impact Report

A review of the Foundation's First Year

Our Mission

Strengthening organizations working with deaf communities.

Our Vision

A future in which deaf communities have access to a wide array of services provided by thriving, well-resourced organizations.

From the Executive Director

The Foundation was born at the crux of the pandemic, racial injustice, polarizing politics, and other areas of conflict where there is much healing to do. During this time – just as it has been in the past – those most deeply impacted are the multiply marginalized communities, which include many members of deaf communities.

The road to healing is layered and complex; the Foundation believes that part of it starts with nonprofit organizations, and accessible resources and transformative services that they provide… or dream of providing. We’re committed to directing critical funds to these organizations, so deaf communities can thrive. I truly appreciate you joining our vision.

Impact Highlights


requests for funding




in total grants

Part of the Foundation’s birth included an immediate response to the COVID-19 crisis affecting organizations working with our deaf communities. We disseminated two COVID-19 grant opportunities during the pandemic, and the response was powerful. These organizations need access to resources, including capital, to survive or grow their ability to meet the needs of deaf communities across the country.


  • Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
  • CaringWorks
  • DeafHope
  • Deaf Refugee Advocacy
  • DeafCAN! – Christ the King Deaf Church
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
  • Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities (HEARD)
  • Partners in Deaf Health
  • Partnership for Families, Children, and Adults
  • Northwest School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
  • The Learning Center for the Deaf

Our Commitment to Inclusion

As a deaf-led foundation, we believe in challenging ourselves and the ways in which philanthropy is made accessible to organizations helmed by disabled leaders. Our grants can be accessed as well as submitted in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language; there’s still more to do and more to learn from our community of nonprofits. We’re looking towards a tomorrow in which we join forces with other foundations to expand language access and inclusion across the entire funding process.

What's Next

The Foundation is shifting from our initial pandemic response to an annual grantmaking effort focused on supporting organizations’ capacity building needs. Our first Capacity Building Grant opportunity was released Fall 2021, with award announcements slated for January 2022.


requests for funding


of requests from orgs operating on < $100K annual budgets


set aside for 2022, plus more with your donations

We Asked

Applicants were invited to share their thoughts with us about the Foundation’s current application process, and how philanthropy can help alleviate their organizations’ challenges.
Applying for grants has been an incredible challenge… because we use the limited resources we have to work heavily in the field on the frontlines… [The Foundation’s application process] is accessible, effective, and efficient which has made it possible for our organization to apply.
As an agency that serves the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing, it can be difficult to find funding partners who understand the needs and culture of the communities we serve.
Sometimes I feel like we are alone in the Old West pioneer days, but when I see the great things you and other deaf-led organizations are doing, it keeps the light burning in my lamp.


Endowment Fund Growth (92%)
CSD Employee Giving Program (7%)
Community Donations (1%)


Program Services (42%)
Management and General (33%)
Fundraising (25%)
Operating costs serve as the backbone of successful foundations and organizations, including CSD Unites Community Foundation and the nonprofits we aim to support. Our long-term goal is to increase spending in the area of program services.

Year One Down, Many More to Come

Friends, this is just the beginning. Join us in the collective effort to build a future in which deaf communities have access to an abundance of thriving, well-resourced organizations.

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Deaf Organizations Fund is a 501(c)3 public charity, tax ID: 92-3792141.