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Charles Thompson Memorial Hall

Saint Paul
Region Served:

Charles Thompson Memorial Hall is located in St. Paul, Minnesota and has been the heartbeat and principal social hub for Deaf people throughout Minnesota for over 100 years. Designed by a deaf architect, Dr Olaf Hanson, and opened in 1916, it is considered one of the oldest Deaf Clubs in the world.

Thompson Hall is proudly owned by the Deaf community and managed by dedicated Deaf volunteers.

The original mission of this 501(c)3 non-profit organization was to establish a building for the entertainment and education of deaf people in Minnesota. The mission includes preserving the language and culture of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind.

Thompson Hall is on the National Register of Historic Places. The organization and building continues to be used as a community center for the local deaf community. Programs are funded through charitable grants, individual donations and fundraising events.

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