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Deaf Services Center, Inc.

Region Served:

In 1980, the state of Ohio established Community Centers for the Deaf CCD with funding provided by the Rehabilitation Services Commission RSC. The purpose was to provide advocacy for Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to coordinate Deaf community events and to become a central location for providing information on Deafness. With a large Deaf population in central Ohio due to the Columbus location of the Ohio School for the Deaf, there was strong demand for services DSC began operations as Deaf Services Center in 1991 to expand on programs provided as a CCD Under the guidance of dedicated staff and Board of Trustees Ever since DSC established a strong foundation becoming the leading provider of community-based services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in the state of Ohio.

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Deaf Organizations Fund is a 501(c)3 public charity, tax ID: 92-3792141.
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