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Fund Deaf Organizations Today!

DeafHope is a culturally specific, Deaf-led community-based organization that provides services to Deaf survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, family violence, and system violence. We provide advocacy, peer counseling, virtual support group, healing spaces, as well as accompaniment to court hearings, hospital visits, interviews with law enforcement, and meetings with Child Protective Services. Our local services are in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our virtual peer counseling, support group, and advocacy services are available to survivors nationwide. We have a deep commitment to developing community-based resources outside of systems that have historically replicated dominance and reinforced harm to marginalized communities such as Deaf, DeafDisabled, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, late deafened, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, language deprived, immigrants, refugees, unhoused individuals, as well as community members who have experienced mental health issues and folks who have experienced challenges with substance use and addiction.

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Deaf Organizations Fund is a 501(c)3 public charity, tax ID: 92-3792141.
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